Certain events are open to Participants and Alumni:/
Für Teilnehmerinnen, Alumni und weitere in Österreich tätige Produzentinnen:
Due to limited seats, please register under: propro@filminstitut.at
These sessions cover various elds of how to run a business.
Monday, March 13th, 16:30
Seminar: „Development Policies for Production Companies“, Linda Beath.
The future of the company depends on what is selected for development, so limits and desires should be explicit.
(in English)
Wednesday, March 15th, 9:30-13:00
Vortrag und Seminar:
„Mut zur Macht: Macht-Kompetenz in der Führung, bei schwierigen Verhandlungen und Konflikten“
Vortrag, Übung und Q&A
Mag.a Christine Bauer-Jelinek
(in deutscher Sprache)
Wednesday, March 15th, 16:00
„Hiring“ Linda Beath.
How to do it, and what to do; limited trial periods, dismissing employees, managing expectations; building teams, sharing responsibilities.
(in English)
Wednesday, 15th March, 17:00
Workshop zu Vermarktungsmaterialien, Stephanie Fuchs (Autlook Film).
Welche Materialien brauche ich, wenn ich einen Film ins Kino bringen und international verkaufen will? Und woran sollte ich vor allem während des Drehs schon denken?
(in deutscher Sprache)
Thursday, 16th March, 9:30-13:30
Inputs und Einzelmeetings: ORF Redaktionen
Inputs von und Einzelmeetings mit ORF-Ressortchefs: Mag.a Katharina Schenk, Dr. Klaus Lintschinger, Sharon Nuni.
(in deutscher Sprache)
Thursday, March 16th, 17:30
„Company Strategies“ – Linda Beath
Think outside the box! A business consultant specialized in companies within the screen industries, delivers inspiration, and advises small businesses on how to nd new strategies: How can I restructure my company to nd synergies, cooperation, and smarter ways of operating?
„Cash Flow Planning“ – Linda Beath
Sketch a cash ow forecast by identifying payments and liabilities to secure cash supply for projects and a sustainable business.
Friday, March 17th, 11:30
„Everything you always wanted to know about producing (but were afraid to ask)“
with: various, tbc
All events take place at:
Gewerbehaus der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna (U4 Stadtpark)
Große Dachterasse / roof terrace
Due to limited seats, please register under: propro@filminstitut.at
Esther Krausz, MA
Österreichisches Filminstitut
Stiftgasse 6, 4. Stock, A-1070 Wien
Tel: 01 526 97 30-406