ProPro 2017 Programme

ProPro – The Producers‘ Programme for Women is going into its second round.
Complementing the tailored workshop programme, ProPro will once again include keynote presentations, discussions and testimonies from additional international industry insiders. Registration for the public programme is required:


Here’s a short overview:

→ Public Programme

• Keynote „Shining from the Screen: Storytelling in Film, Who it’s for and Why it Matters“ by Kate Leys. Monday, March 13th at 9:30
(in English)

Attention! Change:
Instead of Els Vandevorst, Bongiwe Selane will give a case study on her box office hit „Happiness is a Four Letter Word“ – Same Time, Same Place
Impulse by Els Vandevorst (Brimstone): „Producing on Instinct“, Monday, March 13th at 17:30
(in English)

Panel: „The Core of Stories: the Premise“, Monday, March 13th at 19:30
with Andrea Willson, Bongiwe Selane, Kate Leys and Els Vandevorst.
(in English)

Panel: „Koproduktion, Vernetzung und Marktchancen – mein Projekt im europäischen Kontext“, Wednesday, March 15th at 19:00 (Einlass 18:00)
Mit Christiana Wertz (IDM, IT), Valerie Fischer (Cobrafilm/FOCAL, CH), Rebekka Garrido (Connecting Cottbus), Iris Zappe-Heller (ÖFI, Eurimages), Salma Abdalla (Autlook Filmsales), Ewa Puscszyńska (Opusfilm, PL). Moderation: Esther Krausz MA
(in deutscher Sprache)

Lecture by Linda Beath: „Company Management Tools: Cash Flow Planning“, Thursday, March 16th, 17:30  (tbc)
(in English)

• Case Study by Ewa Puszczyńska: „Ida“, Thursday, March 16th, 20:00 (tbc)
Ida by Pawel Pawlikowski (Academy award for best foreign language picture)
(in English)

Panel: „Auf den Schirm! Wie kann der Frauenanteil im Fernsehen verbessert werden?“, Monday, March 20th at 18:30
Mit Mag.a Kathrin Zechner (Programmdirektorin ORF), Michael Lehmann (Geschäftsführer Studio Hamburg), Dr. Alfred Grinschgl (Geschäftsführer RTR und Fernsehfonds Austria), Connie Walther (Regisseurin, DE), Nina Kusturica (Regisseurin/ Produzentin, FC Gloria). Moderation: Ursula Wolschlager
(in deutscher Sprache)
ORT: Wirtschaftskammer Wien / Großer Saal. Stubenring 8-10, 1010 Wien.

All events, except for the panel on Monday 20th, take place at:
Gewerbehaus der Wirtschaftskammer Wien Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna (U4 Stadtpark). Große Dachterasse / roof terrace

The programme is still under construction and is being amended permanently.
You can find the detailed public program here.



From March 13th until 21st 2017, 15 selected producers will be able to enjoy the support of high-level women mentors as they develop their film projects, careers and business strategies. Female producers were invited to submit their application under the heading of feature film or documentary project or strategic planning.

The programme for selected participants consist of two parts:

1. A Residential Workshop

Five days (March 13-17, 2017) for all participants, including lectures, group work, coaching sessions, individual meetings as well as networking events.

Two additional days (March 20 and 21, 2017) are designed for those producers without film projects who applied for Strategic Planning and further development of their company profile.

2. Individual Coaching

by a high-level international producer during the workshop and afterwards. The mentoring for film projects or strategic planning, started during the workshop, consists of two more sessions within six months.

The programme, which ran for the first time in November 2015, was now opened to participants from Switzerland and will be held in cooperation with FOCAL. We are planning further partnerships with European countries to enable more powerful synergies and encourage cross-border co-operations.
In 2017, the mentors are Ewa Puszczyńska (Ida), Sylvia Stevens (Faction Films), Gabriela Bacher (What a Man), Kate Leys (script editor, UK) and Katrin Schlösser (Producer, Lecturer).

Further strategic input is provided by financing expert Linda Beath (Ideal Filmworks, EAVE), and business coaches Sonja Zant, Cornelia Jaksche, as well as renowned bestselling author and power expert Christine Bauer-Jelinek.

The programme was designed by producer and adult educator Ursula Wolschlager (Die Vaterlosen, Programm Diverse Geschichten) and Esther Krausz (Austrian Film Institute/Creative Europe-Desk, former EAVE workshop manager) in cooperation with FC Gloria | Frauen | Vernetzung | Film (Wilbirg Brainin-Donnenberg) and ÖFI Genderanliegen (Iris Zappe-Heller); it is being held at the  Gewerbehaus of Vienna Economic Chamber thanks to the support of its Division for Film and Music Industry (Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Martin Kofler).

Our 2017 cooperation partners are FOCAL und IDM.

Research and coordination: Mag.a Ula Okrojek, Klara Pollak BA, Mag.a Julia Kalchhauser, Laura Wichmann und Mag.a Alexandra Valent (Witcraft).

Applications for the next workshop are closed, but you are very welcome to attend the open programme.