Public Events – Lectures, Case Studies and Panels

Complementing the tailored workshop programme, there are lectures, case studies, keynote presentations and panel discussions from additional Austrian and international industry insiders dealing with topics relevant to film production and the question of how film production could be made more gender equal. This Public Programme is open to the public and ensures that a wider circle of interested people from the film industry are able to profit from the presence of top-class experts in Vienna.

Registration is required:

Here’s a overview of the Public Events taking place in the ProPro Framework 2017:


Monday, March 13th at 9:30
Keynote & Begrüßung
Begrüßung: Mag.a Michaela Schuster, Mag. Martin Kofler, Johannes Rosenberger, Mag. Roland
Teichmann, Mag.a Iris Zappe-Heller, Ursula Wolschlager, Esther Krausz MA

Keynote „Shining from the Screen: Storytelling in Film, Who it’s for and Why it Matters“
What is our original voice and why is it so important, that we raise ours?
by Kate Leys, feature film script editor who works with a wide range of producers, production 
companies and film financiers, including recently John MacLean, Alice Lowe, Bart Layton, Paul Wright, Jesse Armstrong & Sam Bain, Deborah Haywood, Josh Appignanesi, Lucy Cohen, Nick Payne and others.
(in English)


Monday, March 13th at 17:30
Impulse: „Producing on Instinctby Els Vandevorst (Brimstone)
What are the most important skills of a producer? How do you choose projects, talent, stories? And how do you learn to trust your own instinct?
Working both in the Netherlands as well as internationally, Vandevorst (co)produced movies for acclaimed directors such as Lars von Trier, Aleksandr Sokurov, Thomas Vinterberg, Martin Koolhoven, Stijn Coninx, Ineke Smits, Ágnes Kocsis and Christophe van Rompaey.
(in English)


Monday, March 13th at 19:30
Panel: „The Core of Stories: the Premise
In Kooperation mit drehbuchFORUM Wien
How do I find good ideas for films? And how do I make a great premise out of a good idea? What makes a great premise, after all?
Mit Andrea Willson, Bongiwe Selane, Kate Leys and Els Vandevorst.
(in English)
Hinweis: Bongiwe Selanes Film (Happiness is a Four-Letter Word) wird am 9.3.2017 um 19:30 Uhr im Rahmen der Frauenfilmtage im Metro Kinokulturhaus gezeigt.

Drinks in cooperation with drehbuchFORUM and ProPro


Wednesday, March 15th at 19:00
(18:00 Empfang, in Kooperation mit FAMA / Reception, in cooperation with FAMA)
Panel: „Koproduktion, Vernetzung und Marktchancen – mein Projekt im europäischen Kontext
In Kooperation mit CED MEDIA Österreich, IDM und Focal
Mit Christiana Wertz (IDM, IT), Valerie Fischer (Cobrafilm/FOCAL, CH), Rebekka Garrido (Connecting Cottbus), Iris Zappe-Heller (ÖFI, Eurimages), Salma Abdalla (Autlook Filmsales), Ewa Puszczynska (Extreme Emotions, PL), Marit van den Elshout (Cinemart, NL, tbc).
Vor und nach der Diskussion gibt es die Möglichkeit zu Einzelgesprächen mit den anwesenden Expertinnen.
Vor und nach der Diskussion gibt es die Möglichkeit zu Einzelgesprächen mit den anwesenden Exper- tinnen.
(in deutscher Sprache)


Thursday, March 16th, 17:30 (tbc)
„Company Strategies“ – Linda Beath
Think outside the box! A business consultant specialized in companies within the screen industries, delivers inspiration, and advises small businesses on how to nd new strategies: How can I restructure my company to nd synergies, cooperation, and smarter ways of operating?
„Cash Flow Planning“
Sketch a cash ow forecast by identifying payments and liabilities to secure cash supply for projects and a sustainable business.
(in English)


Thursday, March 16th, 20:00 (tbc)
Case Study: „Ida
Case Study by Ewa Puszczyńska: Ida by Pawel Pawlikowski (Academy award for best foreign language picture).
A black-and-white Polish-language movie on a grim subject with unknown actors – how do you find financing for that? Well, Ewa Puszczyńska took huge risks to get it made and it ended well: With an Oscar and a BAFTA for best foreign-language film as well as three European Film Awards, including European film, director and screenplay.
(in English)


Monday, March 20th at 18:30
Panel: „Auf den Schirm! Wie kann der Frauenanteil im Fernsehen verbessert werden?
In Kooperation mit RTR und FC Gloria
Mit Mag.a Kathrin Zechner (Fernsehdirektorin ORF), Michael Lehmann (Geschäftsführer Studio Hamburg), Dr. Alfred Grinschgl (Geschäftsführer RTR und Fernsehfonds Austria), Connie Walther (Regisseurin, DE), Nina Kusturica (Regisseurin/Produzentin, FC Gloria).
Moderation: Ursula Wolschlager
(in deutscher Sprache)
ORT: Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Großer Saal. Stubenring 8-10, 1010 Wien


All events, except for the panel on Monday 20th, take place at:

Gewerbehaus der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna (U4 Stadtpark)
Große Dachterasse / roof terrace

Registration is required:
The programme is still under construction and is being amended permanently.


Zusätzlich zum offenen Rahmenprogramm gibt es eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen, die sich an in Österreich tätige Produzentinnen richten. Infos dazu gibt es auf Anfrage: