Company Management Tools

Group Sessions cover various fields of how to run a business.
The 2017 business consultant is Linda Beath.



Company Strategies – Thursday, 16th March, 17:30
Think outside the box! A business consultant specialized in companies within the screen industries, delivers inspiration, and advises small businesses on how to find new strategies: How can I restructure my company to find synergies, cooperation, and smarter ways of operating?

Hiring – Wednesday, 15th March, 16:00
How to do it, and what to do; limited trial periods, dismissing employees, managing expectations; building teams, sharing responsibilities.

Development Policies for Production Companies – Monday, 13th March 16:30
The future of the company depends on what is selected for development, so limits and desires should be explicit.

Cash Flow Planning – Thursday, 16th March, 17:30
Sketch a cash flow forecast by identifying payments and liabilities to secure cash supply for projects and a sustainable business.

Appointing and Running a Board of Directors to Support the Company
Get outside expertise and support by appointing a board of non-executive directors, who’s only task is to evaluate goals and support production.