Strategic Planning Workshop

(2 days, only for producers who run companies with several employees and participate without a project)

A professional management workshop adapted to be effective for companies within the screen industries.

Linda Beath will facilitate and perform private and confidential planning sessions with five companies for two days of intensive planning, looking forward to 2022. There will be a series of issues raised in a central room, and then each company will adjourn to a private room to work on a specific topic. When the group is satisfied with the decisions made, Linda will review them and offer advice or ask about implications in various aspects of their notes.

Afterwards, another issue to consider will be explained to each group, and work within the individual teams will continue. There are a total of nine key issues to be addressed in the workshop, but within each company there will be a series of unique issues raised, different problems discussed, and resolutions made.  After two days, each company will have a tailored, prioritized, and documented strategy to trigger a focused and highly motivational collaboration that inspires company growth.

The 2017 business consultant is Linda Beath.